- // Initializing a String^ by using string literals
- String^ str1 = "Test"; // ok for ANSI text. uses current code page
- String^ str2("Test");
- String^ str3 = L"Test";
- String^ str4(L"Test");
- //Initialize a String^ by using another String^
- String^ str6(str1);
- auto str7 = str2;
- // Initialize a String from wchar_t* and wstring
- wchar_t msg[] = L"Test";
- String^ str8 = ref new String(msg);
- std::wstring wstr1(L"Test");
- String^ str9 = ref new String(wstr1.c_str());
- String^ str10 = ref new String(wstr1.c_str(), wstr1.length());
String提供了相关的方法来操作字符串,其中可以使用String::Data()方法来返回一个String^ 对象的wchar_t*指针。
- // Concatenation
- auto str1 = "Hello" + " World";
- auto str2 = str1 + " from C++/CX!";
- auto str3 = String::Concat(str2, " and the String class");
- // Comparison
- if (str1 == str2) { /* ... */ }
- if (str1->Equals(str2)) { /* ... */ }
- if (str1 != str2) { /* ... */ }
- if (str1 < str2 || str1 > str2) { /* ... */};
- int result = String::CompareOrdinal(str1, str2);
- if(str1 == nullptr) { /* ...*/};
- if(str1->IsEmpty()) { /* ...*/};
- // Accessing individual characters in a String^
- auto it = str1->Begin();
- char16 ch = it[0];
- // compile with: /ZW
- #include <string>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace Platform;
- int main( array<String^>^ args )
- {
- // Create a String^ variable statically or dynamically from a
- literal string.
- String^ str1 = "AAAAAAAA";
- // Use the value of str1 to create the ws1 wstring variable.
- wstring ws1( str1->Data() );
- // The value of ws1 is L"AAAAAAAA".
- // Manipulate the wstring value.
- wstring replacement( L"BBB" );
- ws1ws1 = ws1.replace ( 1, 3, replacement );
- // The value of ws1 is L"ABBBAAAA".
- // Assign the modified wstring back to str1.
- str1 = ref new String( ws1.c_str() );
- return 0;
- }
本文转自linzheng 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/linzheng/1078189